How-To Tie an Improved Clinch Knot
A great knot for anglers of all skill levels, the Improved Clinch Knot is easy to tie and reliably strong. It is often the first knot that many anglers learn to use, and it lends itself well to all line sizes and line types. No matter if you’re a beginner angler or a touring professional, the Improved Clinch Knot is one that every angler needs to how to utilize.
Step 1: Thread Line through Eye
Start by running the line through the hook eyelet and give yourself about 6-10” of tag line to work with to finish the knot. As a right-handed angler, it seems easiest to hold the hook in your right hand and the line in your left hand.
Step 2: Wrap Tag End
Wrap the tag line around the main line, starting from the bottom moving upward 5-7 times. When using lighter lines use more wraps and when using heavier fishing lines, less wraps is more effective.
Step 3: Create Loop
Run the tag end through the small loop above the hook eyelet to create a larger loop in the line.
Step 4: Run Tag End back through Loop
Run the tag end back through the large loop that was created by step 3.
Step 5: Cinch the Knot
Slowly tighten the knot by pulling on the mainline and maintaining tension on the tag line. Wet the knot to ensure it doesn’t burn the line and compromise the strength of the knot.
Step 6: Cut the Tag End
Cut the tag line and you’re finished.
A versatile knot that every angler needs in their arsenal. The Improved Clinch Knot is great for all line types and a wide range of species.