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How-To Swap Out Treble Hooks

By Tackle Warehouse | Updated September 2023

Changing out treble hooks is a need-to-know bass fishing skill. Seasoned anglers will often change out the stock treble hooks for premium razor-sharp treble hooks to increase hook-up and landing ratios. It is also a good idea to change out treble hooks after you’ve caught a high number of fish on one lure because they will start to dull or bend out. Anglers often add red trebles or feathered trebles for extra attraction as well. No matter the reason why you’re for changing out treble hooks the process is the same and relatively simple. It’s just like putting keys on a key ring.

What's Needed:

All you need is a set of split ring pliers and some new treble hooks. If you’re changing out high quantities of treble hooks, we recommend investing in a quality set of split ring pliers. Do not attempt to change treble hooks without the proper equipment because there is a very high risk of hooking yourself. This is also a good time to change split rings if your lure needs new ones.

Step 1: Correct Sizing

Make sure you have the correct size after-market treble hook for the one that you are replacing. Increasing or decreasing the size of the treble hook on a lure can have a dramatic effect on the lure's action and running depth. This is especially true when changing treble hooks on suspending jerkbaits.

Bronze and Red Treble Hooks

Step 2: Secure Grip

Get a secure grip on the lure and watch your hand placement. Remember you’re dealing with small parts and multiple razor-sharp hook points so pay attention to your movements and don’t get careless. One false move could result in a trip to the doctor's office and an expensive bill.

Treble Hook Secured Within Fingertips

Step 3: Open Split Ring

Use the split ring plier to open the split ring.

Split Ring Pliers Opening Ring

Step 4: Remove Old Treble

Let go of the lure and grab the old treble hook that you wish to replace. Work the eyelet of the old treble hook into the split ring. Then rotate the split ring until the old treble hook comes off.

Hook Sliding Off Split Rings
Treble Hook Removed From Spook

Step 5: Add New Treble Hook

Simply reverse the process from steps 3 and 4 to add the new treble hook onto your lure. Again, practice safety because new after-market treble hooks are incredibly sharp.

Red Front Treble Hook


Here is a tip that can save you time when you’re changing out treble hooks on a bunch of lures during one session at home or even on one treble hook during a tournament situation. When you start to take off the old treble hook, get it about an 1/8 of an inch started into the split ring then feed the new treble on at the same time. Rotate the split ring. What will happen is at the end of the rotation the old treble hook will come off and the new treble hook will go on at the same time.

Changing Out Treble Hook Hack

Having fresh treble hooks on an old trusty battle-worn lure or even a new lure that comes stock with sub-par treble hooks is crucial to increasing your success on the water. It can also be the difference between winning a tournament and going home empty handed. Keep your treble hooks fresh and your livewell full.

Spook With Both Treble Hooks Replaced

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