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Umbrella Rigs TW Fall Staff Picks

When you want to imitate a group of baitfish, the umbrella rig is always going to be a top contender. For the most part, a five-wire, four-blade configuration is the bread-and-butter for rig enthusiasts. However, there are times when modifying rig size, blade configuration, and blade size can be the key to stuffing your livewell, especially in the fall when schools of bait are constantly being broken apart by hungry bass.

Pay close attention to where the bait is located, what the schools look like on your graph, and try to adjust your rig accordingly. Tackle Warehouse Staffer, Charlie, likes to keep a variety of rigs in the boat during this time of year and often opts for small blades. The smaller blades create less lift, allowing the rig to move through or below the school of bait, which is often where lazy bass will position themselves to pick off dying bait.

"There's a lot of subtle tweaks you can make to an umbrella rig. One thing you can do in the fall is change blade size to modify how your rig moves in the water." - Charlie, TW Staff

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