Scroungers TW Fall Staff Picks
In recent years, the scrounger has seen a resurgence in popularity due to its potency around ledge fish, however, it is often overlooked by bank beaters as a time-tested shad imitation. When baitfish are on the menu in the fall, the scrounger provides a softer, more muted vibration than other baits, making it a great tool for picking off fish that have been overlooked by fast-moving power anglers.
They key to scrounger? According to Tackle Warehouse Staffer, Clark, don't overthink it. A strong believer in the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" ideology, Clark suggests picking a color and size that suits your situation and start covering some water.
"Not a lot of people throw it, so I feel like it gives the fish something different to look at. I will have one tied up year-round and I won't modify it at all, but I never leave the dock without one on the front deck in the fall." - Clark, TW Staff